Guest Spot: Bishop Chantalyn Sarhain
Bishop Chantalyn Sarhain is an ex-templar of the Silver Flame who now presides over the small village of Siyar in southern Thrane. She claims to be very good friends with Jayla the Keeper of the Silver Flame, and that she was asked by the Keeper to look after and govern this village near the Brelish border. Siyar is a small town that deals in little luxuries, save for exotic pelts of beasts that come from the nearby Harrowcrowns forrest. The Bishop is very conservative in her feelings toward the Church’s governing of the Thranes, but she does her best. She was once known as the Silver Blight, a popular Sharn Inquisitive Broadsheet claimed her as a terror and that she fought five strong Brelish soldiers in combat, defeating her one to five odds. It was the loss of Shadukar that most tested the ex-Templar’s resolve, and caused her to ask for a more domestic place in the Church of the Silver Flame.